I hope you have been practicing 'genuine smiling' to connect with fellow beings🙂 .
Today, we will talk about practicing "Relaxation as a way of life".
Most of us do not know how to relax. We think we can finish our work or household chores & set aside some time to relax. But even when we think we are relaxing, there are a million things running in our heads making it difficult for us to truly relax.
If you were to do a quick scan of your body at this very moment, you will find that there are several muscles in your body that are unnecessarily tense. Muscles that are not contributing to the action you are performing at the moment. To release this tension you need to focus on this tensed muscle & mentally send it a message ‘to let go & relax’. You can even breathe into the area of tension and relax with every exhale. These muscles will then automatically de-contract & relax.
Sometimes without our knowledge, we constrict our eyebrows, hunch shoulders, tighten chest ( all signs of holding tension ). So become mindful and remind yourself to relax your shoulders, neck, jaw, space between the eyebrows. Be aware and mindful of how you physically tense yourself, and release the tension from time to time. A regular body scan will help you stay connected with your body.
So continue smiling and stay relaxed. Do share your experiences with the practices in the comments 🙂
#consciousliving #practice 2 #stayrelaxed
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