Monday, February 11, 2019

Conscious living Practice 8 - Forgiveness

As humans we are bound to make mistakes. Holding very high standards for ourselves and becoming overly self critical can cause us to unconsciously harbor self resentment. 

Unless we are mindful, we won't even realize the critical self talk taking place. We can all learn to forgive ourselves, each day. Forgiving ourselves does not mean we keep committing the same mistakes again and again. It is important to be mindful of the mistake, and learn from it, but there is no need to criticize oneself for having committed the mistake. Allow yourself to be human, susceptible to err. As in our self love practice, be gentle and kind with yourself. 

The more you learn to forgive yourself, the more willing you would be to forgive others. Just as you allow yourself to be human enough to make mistakes, allow others too🙂 Again forgiving does not mean condoning the wrong doing. We can learn to set healthy boundaries in order to safe guard ourselves from future hurt. But we need not continually harbor resentment against the people who wronged us as that will only harm us in the long run. Let go of the resentment and be free. 

Here, is a forgiveness prayer that you can say each night, before going to bed, or just whenever you find the time: 

#consciousliving #practice8 #forgiveness 

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