Monday, February 25, 2019

Conscious living Practice 16 - Acceptance

I came across this really beautiful bunch of phrases on 'Acceptance'. It read:
When we don't accept an undesired event, it becomes anger;
When we accept it, it becomes tolerance.
When we don't accept uncertainty, it becomes fear;
When we accept it, it becomes adventure.
When we don't accept others bad behavior, it becomes hatred;
When we accept it, it becomes forgiveness.
When we don't accept others success, it becomes jealousy;
When we accept it, it becomes inspiration.

While most of you reading this, will be touched by it, and nod your heads in agreement, you will also agree with me, when I say that as much as it's beautiful and true, it's equally difficult and challenging to apply these concepts into our lives. 

When we are "non accepting" of our reality, we are resisting 'what is'. We have certain ideas about how things should be, or in other words, expectations. And when our expectations are not met, we get upset. 

Its important to understand that the expectations are nothing but ideas created by none other than ourselves. So if we can let go of the expectations / ideas of how things should be, and embrace what is, then our disappointment will not only be less, but can be transformed into something positive, as in the phrases we just read. 

I invite you to join me in becoming mindful of whenever you find yourself resisting reality. You can use the practice of 'accepting emotions as is' (conscious living practice 9) to deal with an unpleasant emotion. Become aware of the gap between expectations and reality and see if you can minimize that by altering your expectations or better still letting go of them. 

As you open up more and more to whatever situations present in front of you, the more easily life flows through you. 

#consciousliving #practices #Acceptance

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