Friday, February 22, 2019

Conscious living Practice 14 - Random Acts of Kindness

I read this beautiful quote by Ram Dass, a Buddhist teacher and author, it said: 
 "I invite you, when you are caught in your stuff and your heart is closed, to find someone else who is suffering - to be there with them for a moment. What I find when my heart is closed is that purity of their heart pulls me out of myself very quickly. For those of you who have gotten caught in individualism and separation - the act of serving another human being is a doorway back into your connection to the universe. Their real need pulls you out of yourself." 

I found that quote really beautiful. When we give our kind attention to others, we feel connected to them and the universe at large. Its like a little break from our own egoic selves. 

Just like the practice of loving kindness that we spoke about in post 10 ( conscious living practice 10 ), performing random acts of kindness has the capacity to open our hearts and connect with people around us. 

Like most other practices, this too requires us to practice it, consciously. 

Most days we are so absorbed in ourselves that we don't even recognize the opportunities that present themselves before us where we can show kindness. 

I invite you to actively start looking out for opportunities to show kindness - to your loved ones, family, friends, strangers, to animals, to your environment. And notice how that makes you feel. And how that alters your perception of the universe. 

#consciouslivingpractice14 #randomactsofkindness

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