Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Conscious living Practice 4 - Express Gratitude

We may say that we practice gratitude, but unless we take the time to literally express gratitude each day, we are not really practicing it. 

In order to practice, you can choose to keep a "gratitude journal" ( physical or online ) where you write down/ key in, all the things that you are grateful for or you can make it a point to do a daily gratitude exercise or mix up the two🙂

I get my 5 year old daughter to say thanks to 5 people or things that she is grateful for, each day, before going to bed. And she never fails to surprise me by thanking something unusual :-)

Expressing gratitude regularly helps to train our minds to look at what's going right in our lives. This practice can enhance our happiness quotient and generate contentment for "what is".

They say, "what you focus on grows". So try to consciously practice focusing on the good in your life.

If you don't already have a physical or online journal ( there are several apps these days, though I personally prefer a physical one 🙂 ) , then I suggest you get one. 

Here are some ideas, for daily practice : 

1. You could write down all the things you are grateful for.
2. You can take a gratitude walk and appreciate everything around you in nature. 
3. You can express gratitude to all the people involved in bringing the food onto your table - from the farmer to the grocery guy to the person who prepared the meal. 
4. You can express thanks to a person in your life, you are grateful for.
5. You can write down all those things you are grateful for that you normally take for granted such as a safety pin or your hair rubber band.
6. You can express gratitude for your sense organs.
7. You can express gratitude to all the people who make your life beautiful.
8. You can express gratitude for any incident in your life that's made you strong.
9. You can express gratitude for any one Wonderful memory.
10. You can express gratitude towards little thoughtful gestures made by people.

The list can go on. Get creative and make sure you make "expressing gratitude" a way of life. 

#consciousliving #practice4 #expressgratitude

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