Monday, February 11, 2019

Conscious living Practice 7 - Be Consistent

By adopting a conscious living lifestyle, we learn to simplify our lives and be at ease. Many people I know start approaching these practices as something that needs to be done and get on with, like checking a task list. Such an approach may not give the right result.
It is very important to be clear with, "why" we do what we do. Setting a clear intention, so we know what we are striving towards. Once we have that in place, consistency follows. Not just for these practices, but anything that you take up, be it learning a new skill, or getting better at something you are already doing, requires you to put in the effort every single day. And a little effort each day, will add up, to give you the result you seek.

So set clear intention for your practices and stay consistent 🙂

#consciousliving #practice7 #consistency


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