Thursday, February 14, 2019

Conscious living Practice 10 - Loving Kindness

This is a wonderful practice to open the heart and experience the feeling of connection with one and all.

To do this simply send out mental messages such as the following to everyone you know - Yourself, loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances, and even your enemies 🙂

May you be happy and peaceful 
May your body be healthy and strong
May you be safe and protected
May you live with ease and joy 

Sometimes, I like to send these messages out to even strangers who I come across on the roads, and it really makes me feel connected with them. 

When someone is being rude to you, try sending out a message of "loving kindness" to them and see what happens. I invite you to try this and notice how it makes you feel. 

#consciousliving #practice10 #lovingkindness

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