Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Conscious living Practice 17 - Solution oriented approach

I felt this was the most relevant follow up practice to, Acceptance. When situations are difficult, it doesn't serve us to deny reality. Once we have accepted reality for what it is, we can have a 'solution oriented approach' and look at what we can do, to improve our situation. 
Problems are a part of existence, so instead of focusing on the problem and lamenting over it, let us train ourselves to focus on the solutions. 

The following image of what's in our control and what's not, is a very useful reminder that we can use in our life:

Join me, from this day on, to first accept anything that life throws at you. Time taken to accept a situation will depend  on the magnitude of the situation. Be gentle and patient with yourself. Once you have taken that first step, become solution oriented. 

#consciousliving #practice17 #solutionorientedapproach

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