Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Conscious living Practice 3 - Create Mindful Moments

Many of us unconsciously practice mindfulness when we are in a state of flow, doing something we enjoy doing. 

At other times, we carry on chores and tasks without too much presence, as our mind is constantly thinking. We can choose to bring mindfulness to even our day to day tasks. To do this, begin to involve as many of your senses into your experience. See what you are seeing, hear what you are hearing, feel what you are feeling, taste what you are tasting and smell what you are smelling. Consciously involving your senses into the experience will keep you in the moment and you will be able to quieten the constant mental chatter.

Whenever there is too much going on in my mind, I like to pause, and become mindful of whatever it is that I am doing. Involving my senses and being present in the moment gives me a break from the various kinds of internal dialogues of my mind, that do nothing more than cause stress. 

Becoming mindful also helps me to have an enjoyable experience, as I am involving as many of my senses. 

You too can look at creating "mindful moments'. Notice how being present helps you to release stress, how even a very ordinary experience of say, eating a fruit, becomes a lot more enjoyable when done mindfully ( see the fruit, smell it, feel it in your mouth as you take the bite, hear the crunching sound as you bite into it, taste the sweetness of it ). 

As you get started with this practice, consciously decide to be mindful with one routine activity a day. It could be - brushing your teeth, bathing, eating a meal, an evening walk etc. Choose whichever you want and notice how it changes your experience. 

As you get adept with being mindful with one activity, begin to add more. 

Feel free to share your experiences with, "creating mindful moments"🙂

#consciousliving #practice3 #createmindfulmoments

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