Thursday, April 18, 2019

Conscious Living Practice 27 - Take Responsibility for your life

Our life is a result of the choices that we have made. It is important to take full responsibility and ownership for the life that we have created and avoid blaming other people or circumstances for our present condition. 

As one of the buddhist quote says, never mind the past, you can always start afresh :-) 

By bringing our consciousness to the area of our life that we want to improve, we can take the necessary steps to make positive changes. 

Remembering to  "let go" control of how things should be, and being grateful for where we are can help us not be too attached to the result of our efforts. We can learn to do our best and leave the rest :-) 

Its important to once again remind ourselves of the temporary nature of life. All that we build, one day, we have to let go. This does not mean that we don't build anything or pursue our dreams or fulfill our desires. By all means, we can go after our dreams and goals, the results we get will be in proportion to the amount of consciousness and effort we put in. However, we have to be ( no choice there :-) ) ready to let go, when time comes. 

To me its the journey to success that counts more than the success itself. Its the learning along the way that is more valuable. 

#Consciousliving # practices # takeresponsibilityforyourlife

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