Friday, April 5, 2019

Conscious Living Practice 24 - Cultivate an Empowering Belief System

What are your core values and beliefs ? Are these truly yours or are you unconsciously accepting beliefs passed on to you by others? How empowering are these beliefs and do they help you rise up in life or weigh you down?

Having a clear understanding of ones beliefs and values can help one make decisions that feel right and are in alignment with one's true nature. Shaky beliefs and value systems do just the opposite. Make you indecisive and unclear on how to respond to situations. 

I invite you to reflect on some of your core values and beliefs. Choose a few that you can revisit often. 

I like to have one main intention for my life. And a bunch of beliefs that I like to reflect on almost every day. It's like reciting daily slokas. When I am faced with a situation where I am confused how to respond, revisiting my beliefs helps me allign myself to my true nature and how I would personally like to live my life. 

Attached is a presentation of my "core intention" for this life and beliefs I like to live by. You can use this as an example to create your own intention and beliefs to guide you through your life. 

#consciouslivingpractices # practice 24 #cultivating an empowering beliefs system

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