Monday, September 21, 2020

Making Conscious Relaxation a way of life

In the extremely competitive and achievements oriented world that we live in, very minimal importance is given to rest and relaxation. Although it is much needed for improved performance and efficiency.

Also there is the belief that we should relax only after completing all our chores. This is not necessary. We can learn to integrate relaxation into our day as we continue to perform our daily tasks. 

Some ways you can accomplish this are:  

1. Check in with yourself from time to time to see if you are holding any unnecessary tension in the body. Consciously relax your shoulders, neck, jaw, space between the eyebrows. When your body is relaxed, it will be easier for your mind to be relaxed too. 

2. Take short breaks to breathe deeply.  As you inhale fill up your side ribs, back ribs, abdomen and chest and as you exhale , exhale all the way out. You can even visualize inhaling positive energy and exhaling out anything that doesn't serve you. You could use words such as "calm" and "ease" or "let" and "go" whispering to yourself "calm" or "let" as you inhale, and whispering to yourself "ease" or "go" as you exhale. 

I often advice my students to put post it notes around their house or workplace where they can see it , with the word "breathe" written on it. These can serve as reminders to pause, take attention inward, and relax consciously. 

3. Kick start a breath-work practice if you don't already have one. I teach and practice the alternate nostril breathing or the Anuloma Viloma pranayama. I have explained in detail how to do this on my wellness blog. Take a look:

In case you are unclear, feel free to reach out to me, for any clarifications. 

This breath-work practice helps to purify the nadis ( energy channels in the body ), and is a basic breathing exercise that anyone can do. It helps to calm the nervous system and relax the body. 

4. Whenever you feel triggered and unpleasant emotions grip you, see if you can connect to your breath, take 4-5 deep breaths, before responding to the trigger. Oftentimes in life we may encounter situations that make us uneasy. Acknowledging the unease can help us regulate the emotion and deep breaths can help us calm down so we can take appropriate action 

I hope these tips help you to start practicing relaxation at will and make it a regular part of your day and life 🙏❤️


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