Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Practice 17 - Solution Oriented approach

Train your mind to focus on Solutions.

#consciousliving #practice17 #solutionorientedapproach

Practice 16 - Acceptance

To strengthen this practice, remind yourself often, to flow with the current of life.

All's well.

#consciousliving #practice16 #acceptance

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Practice 15 - Be Enthusiastic

To strengthen this practice focus on doing one routine activity differently. For example, you could wash vessels with greater mindfulness, clothes can be dried by paying close attention to the fabric, maybe even while singing your favorite song πŸ˜ƒ. Allow your creativity to work here.

Life gets interesting when we add enthusiasm to everyday lifeπŸ™‚

#consciousliving #practice15 #beenthusiastic

Practice 14 - Random Act of Kindness

To strengthen this practice, make it a point to help someone each day. Consciously look for opportunities to help out. Don't let a single day pass by where you haven't gone out of your way to make yourself useful.

Look at yourself as an instrument to make this world a better place, and go about your day and life with that mindset. When you look at yourself as an instrument, you will find yourself more willing to contribute and extend help.

#consciousliving #practice14 #randomactofkindness

Practice 13 - Self assertiveness

Learn to live your life as an "individual" first. Playing different roles such as that of a mother, father, husband, wife, daughter, son, daughter in law etc sometimes causes us to keep fulfilling the needs of others through those different roles putting our own individual needs in the back burner. This can back fire when we are least expecting it.

Take a step back and notice if you are continually putting others needs first over your own, saying yes when you want to say No.

It's not selfish to look after ones needs. It is only sensible. You are an individual first before the multiple roles you play. Respect your dreams, aspirations, needs, desires and never hesitate to stand up for them.

#consciousliving #practice13 #selfassertiveness

Practice 12 - Minimize Distractions

To strengthen this practice make sure to take a "social media / gadget fast" everyday, consciously, for a minimum of four hours. 

Use this time to connect in person with your family and friends. And if there is no one to connect with, stay present with yourself πŸ’•πŸŒΈ. 

#consciousliving #practice12 #minimizedistractions 

Practice 11 - Respond with love

Repeat the following affirmation, everyday, almost like a daily prayer. Setting an intent to "respond with love", can make it easier for you to practice it than without any intent setting. 

#consciousliving #practice11 #respondwithlove

Monday, December 9, 2019

Practice 10 - Loving Kindness

To strengthen this practice:

# Send out loving kindness wishes throughout the day to people you come across. Send it out to your family - parents, spouse, kids etc, to people walking on the road, the security guard, your house help, gardener, cab driver, bus driver, conductor, to animals, plants, just about anyone who is part of your world πŸ™‚. Do this diligently and consciously each day. 

The loving kindness wishes that you send out can be something on the lines of - 

"May you be happy and peaceful" or

"May your body be healthy and strong" or
"May you be safe and protected" or
"May you live with ease and joy" 

#consciousliving #practice10 #lovingkindness

Practice 9 - Accept emotions as is

To practice this:

# Apply "RAIN" to all the difficult emotions you encounter through the day:

#consciousliving #practice9 #acceptemotionsasis

Practice 8 - Forgiveness

To practice this:

# Reflect on the following forgiveness prayer whenever you find the time. If possible, do so each day of your life :) 

#consciousliving #practice8 #forgiveness

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Practice 7 - Be consistent

In order to see progress it is important to be regular with the "conscious living practices". To make sure you are on track:

# Set some time end of each week to take stock of how you are doing - which practices you have attained mastery in, which practice requires more work etc

#consciousliving #practice7 #beconsistent