Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Practice 6 - Meditation

To practice:

# Sit quietly for at least 10 minutes a day. Slowly increase duration to 20 minutes. Try to do unguided meditation by focusing on your breath, physical sensations in the body or the sounds around you. Set time aside to do this every single day without fail. Keep a journal to record your experiences.

# If you find unguided meditation difficult then begin with guided meditation. You can look for guided meditation on apps such as headspace and insight timer. You can also use the "Breathing App", and practice resonance breathing on it as a way of meditation. 

#consciousliving #practice6 #Meditation

Practice 5 - Self love

Here are some ways in which we can cultivate self love :-

A. Keep a journal where you key in all the things you love and appreciate about yourself on a daily basis. Look at penning down at least 3 each day.

B. Cultivate a loving acceptance of yourself even in times that you end up behaving badly. Forgive yourself and do whatever that you can to nurture yourself.

C. Everyday make it a point to do one task you truly enjoy doing. It could be reading or listening to your favorite song or anything else that uplifts your mood.

D. Start doing the "Mirror image exercise" which involves you looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself " I love you". Might seem odd at first, but just keep at it.

#consciousliving #practice5 #selflove