Sunday, September 15, 2019

Practice 3 - Create Mindful Moments

To put this into practice, 

# Consciously choose an activity to give your entire attention to. Choose an everyday daily activity such as brushing or bathing. Involve all of your senses into the activity - see what you are seeing, hear what you are hearing, feel what you are feeling, taste what you are tasting, smell what you are smelling. Be completely present.

Continue this complete presence with the activity for several days, till it becomes second nature.

Now, slowly start adding more daily activities to give your complete attention.

Notice how bringing a greater awareness to your daily activities changes the quality of what you are doing and also how it frees your mind from unnecessary mental chatter.

# You can use mindful presence every time there is too much going on in your mind and you want to take a break from mental chatter that's adding to your stress. Just drop everything and focus on what's around you at the moment. Use this as a tool to help you cope with stress induced by too much thinking.

# Practice mindful eating with all your daily meals. Do this by chewing your food slowly and fully, paying attention to the colors, textures and tastes on your plate, and expressing gratitude to all the people who played a role in bringing the food onto your plate 🙂 Focus on your meal and avoid idle conversations.

#Consciousliving #practice 3 #mindfulmoments

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