Friday, March 8, 2019

Conscious living Practice 22 - Take help

Sometimes we can get into situations that are very overwhelming for us. During those times, let us not hesitate to reach out to others for help. 

No matter what practices we have been doing, it is possible that we still encounter situations where we feel stuck and unable to find a way out. During those times let's learn to just reach out and seek help. In today's time people are more than willing to help. We just need to ask🙂

Our physical, mental and emotional health should be of utmost priority at all times. And if taking help is necessary in order for us to maintain that then so be it. 

Many women, even today ( I find this to be the case especially in the previous generation ) feel obligated to do all the house chores by themselves. It is not that their partners are unwilling to help but these women hesitate to ask for help assuming and taking way too much responsibility on their shoulders. This eventually results in poor health which doesn't do the family any good. It's time we learnt to discern where help is required and shamelessly ask for it. 

#consciousliving #practice22 #takehelp

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