Thursday, January 31, 2019

Conscious living Practice 1 - SmileπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

This is the first of our practices πŸ™‚. The most simple thing that you can do with your mouth is to smile at as many people as you come across, during the day. It's not necessary that you need to know them. And if you know them, you can even add a "hello"😊 .

It's the simplest thing you can do and you never know who needs it. And it doesn't cost you anything 😊.

I love to smile at people and inquire after them. It helps me lift my own mood and also helps me to stay mindful of who I come across.

However, avoid faking a smile. It's OK to not smile, when you don't feel like it. I remember during the time of my marriage reception, me and my husband had to keep smiling with the cameraman constantly clicking our pictures and taking the video. It was more stressful than mood upliftingπŸ˜€ So please try to keep your smile as genuine as possible. 

For some of you all, this would be very easy. Maybe you are already doing it. For some it may be something new. It doesn't matter. Get started or continue practicing - smile and experience the sense of connection with your fellow beings πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

#consciousliving #practice1 #smile

Getting Started

A lot of us go about our lives in a mechanical, unconscious manner, not paying attention to how our actions have an impact on us and the people and environment around us. Unaware of the influence that we actually have in shaping our reality.

There is a lot of talk about "being kind", "expressing gratitude"," learning from adversity", not judging and criticizing others" etc etc, but when it comes to action and practice, there is a lot less. And scope for getting better, a lot more.

I have created this blog with the intention of creating easy guidelines and practices that can be applied by anyone to live a more conscious life and have a positive influence on ones surroundings.

We will begin with "one practice", master it and then proceed to add one more. The time taken to master a practice will be different for each person. So, work at your own pace and do share your experiences, as that will help us all grow and get better 😊. You can choose to move forward and come back to revisit a practice.

Looking forward to live my life in a more conscious manner and also encourage you all to do so😊