Sunday, October 4, 2020

Learning to Flow

Learning to flow with the currents of life isn't going to be easy as we, as humans, prefer to have everything under our control. We have desires, needs, wants and ideas about how things should be. 

And if things are not the way we want them we get easily upset. 

It is important to recognize this tendency to control in us, so we can learn to respond differently. We can learn to respond in a way that enriches and lifts us instead of destroy us. 

When things don't go our way, we may encounter many difficult emotions. It could be disappointment, unease, helplessness, fear, worry etc. Instead of trying to brush these feelings away, we can learn to be with them. Just acknowledging their presence can help us to not be so much in their grip. I like to tell myself, "I am feeling uneasy". And almost always, after I have done this sort of acknowledging, it becomes a lot more easier for me to hang out with that emotion, so to speak. 

The next thing I like to do, is revisit some of my empowering beliefs about life. I strongly believe that the universe is always watching us, and presenting to us what's best for us, at any given time. We may not always be able to see the complete picture. Just believing in this idea, helps me deal with whatever I am presented with a lot better❤️ So look at cultivating some empowering beliefs that will help add ease into your life. 

Difficult experiences are the greatest teachers and if we learn to ask ourselves, how can I grow through this? Then we can be a lot less fearful and a lot more open to face anything. 

Believe that the universe knows what you need. And everything is happening for your best❤️ 

And just surrender, flow and be free🙏 🌸