It might sound difficult but a simple change in perspective, can help us deal with even the toughest of situations.
When facing a difficult situation, just the act of acknowledging that you are uncomfortable, makes it easy to stay with the situation. Once you find yourself being able to stay with the difficult emotions that come with being in an uncomfortable spot, ask yourself how you can grow through it.
#consciousliving #practice21 #growthfocus
To strengthen this practice, every time you feel negatively about someone, try to shift your focus and reflect on the positives in this person.
With repeated practice, you will begin to accept people as they are as most of your focus would be on their positive qualities.
#consciousliving #practice20 #buildhealthyrelationships
To strengthen this practice, pause often, and exercise caution in every aspect of your life.
#consciousliving #practice19 #exercisecaution
To strengthen this practice, make sure to create a "to do" list each day.
#consciousliving #practice18 #minimizeprocrastination