To apply practice 2 into your daily life:
# As often as possible, perform body scan to identify areas of tension in the body. Visualize releasing the tension with your out breath.
# When you feel tensed, fatigued, stressed just visualize your entire body engulfed in a beautiful golden or white light ( or any other color that you associate with relaxation ). As you inhale, imagine inhaling positive energy from this bubble of light and as you exhale, imagine letting go of tension, stress, fatigue, strain and anything that doesn't serve the purpose.
# Every time you feel triggered by outside circumstances, such as being stuck in a traffic or getting irritated because of the unreasonable behavior of your children or spouse, or just any other situation that triggers negative emotions in you, take 5 conscious breaths - 5 deep inhales and complete exhales. Respond to the trigger only after having done this.
# End of each day, reflect on what triggered you negatively through the day, and how you responded to it.
#consciousliving #practice2 #relax