Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Practice 1 - Smile Smile Smile 😊😊😊

Lets try to put the first of the conscious living practices into practice, by smiling more often. Here are some ways in which you can do that πŸ˜ŠπŸŒΈπŸ’•

#Wake up in the morning with a smile on your face😊 set your alarm 5 minutes before the usual time. Use this time to sit quietly on your bed, draw your awareness inward to your breath, add a slight smile to your lips, visualize a smiling heart and step out of bed. 

# It's possible that you miss doing this first thing in the morning 😊 in which case you can put a light smile on your face whenever you remember. Notice how even slight smile on your face allows your entire body to relax.   

# Especially when stepping out of the house, remain mindful of who you come across. Set an intention to share your smile with as many people as possible 😊 

# End of each day, reflect on who you shared your smile with, and how that made you feel.

#Consciousliving #practice1 #Smile