Monday, May 20, 2019

Application of the practices into daily life

So now we have a total of 30 practices that, if applied, can help us live our lives with greater consciousness. Most of you would feel, that there is nothing new that you have learnt :-) and I contend with you on that. You all must have read these concepts in different forms - articles, motivational videos, podcasts, TED talks, books.

While we vehemently agree that they make sense and when applied can improve our lives and our state of mind, we fail to apply them regularly. And that's due to our forgetfulness and constant association with the external world, that places undue importance to outward accomplishments and appearances.

Today many individuals get educated to get a job and a 6 figure salary. That seems to be the priority. Moral values, consciousness of how ones action is impacting ones environment, role of kindness and compassion, honesty etc is not considered important and this is the reason why we have a world filled with dissatisfied people struggling to find ease and peace in their lives. 

A consciousness revolution is the need of the hour. The purpose of education cannot be to get a good job alone. The purpose of education should also be to help people find peace within and contribute to peace outside of themselves. 

It is never too late to start afresh and create positive actions that serve us and others. 

I sincerely hope, that I will have many people join me in this revolution of awakening to our true selves and being an instrument of peace and harmony through conscious living.

So far we have spoken about what these practices are. From hereon, our focus will be on how to apply these practices into our everyday life. 

As a first step, memorize the 30 practices. Having them in the back of your mind will help you recognize opportunities in your everyday life, to apply them, and experience the results, for yourself.